Photobucket I just a normal kid but super duper hyper.I laugh at most of the things including my ownself.I just love laughing.Haha,wish to talk to me,call 97400716:)
My mind is whirling.
Posted on: Sunday, January 31, 2010
Posted at: 6:21 AM
i'm restless now.can anybody help me?
please,i nid someone help.
i'm caught in the middle.
not knowing which direction should i go..
please help me.
i'm sincerely apologise to both of you.
somemore,the JAMES AH.
say i have a bad taste,
fuck ur my mum,no hair,gan ur dad balls to fish balls,cb knn knnb.fucktup la.fuck ur ass got hair.
grow tits with hairs.
ur lanjiao turn to vegetables,canot erect.FUCK YOU.

Posted on: Saturday, January 30, 2010
Posted at: 5:25 AM
hias.It is already 2 days we nvr talk or wat le.this also affected my mood.both of them is not willingly to forgive me.i'm seriously innocent abt the i really really really really really want to apologise to both of u and friends.i'm feeling helpless and sad.i duno wat to do.I really regreted that i invovle in that already over.i hope can forgive me...
Happy thing is that:our match manage to go into second round.Still the same thing.i hope u can come and support on the final.thanks.BYEBYE:)

Life is full misunderstanding.
Posted on: Friday, January 29, 2010
Posted at: 6:28 AM
Erm.i had nothing much to post today.i just know that i'm sad now and dunno wat to do..i am the middle man.i duno anything abt,if i de zui u or wat.Then i sincerely apologise to you.

Posted on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Posted at: 1:56 AM
hi.i'm bored.WHAT AM I DOING????

Posted on: Sunday, January 24, 2010
Posted at: 6:16 AM dead wont dead de hor.stop saying my blog is dead.i nvr post doesn't means my blog is because my fucking father at home do bo lan causing me cnt use.anw.this few days i will be very sad.i lose to uncle in quarter-final.he not up to my stantard lor.i actually leading so far thn suddenly give him chase up.thn i lost.i lost in a cb way.CHEESEBURGER.FUCK it.sad.tmr still gt competition.sian diao.tuo diao.JIAJUN.i will tag ur blog de nid to scared.tag until ur blog veh lively.i hate the father too.sadd.FUCK ANOTHER PROBLEm JUST.fuck.she dun want me le.sian.everything seems like not going smoothly.ARGh.lose match.lose someone.lose evrything.STUDY ASO CNT DO WELL.FUCK IT.CNT SEND SOMEONE TO  biggest wish it wont happen.fat hope.tmr competition confirm lose mood.

Posted on: Friday, January 22, 2010
Posted at: 6:42 AM
Wah.didnt post for two days.hand abit itchy.well,i shall start with is our competirion.woah..we thrash thm i think that i'm really like captain.GOOD CAPTAIN.She today also came to me and say"good luck."haha.My heart melts.haha.My english improves leaps and bounds.CHIM RITE???And u noe something.the bedok south school,i saw alot of letters VVVVVVVVV.OMGGG.THE FIRST set is 21-8.Second set 21-4.THis is when i saw all the Vs that give me support and motivation.haha.I'm so happy.i hope all the happy times will not vanished.Shhh.dun tell anybody that my pants wear the wrong WAY AGAIN.AND I ASSURE U I WEAR WHITE SPECS TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY.I WONT LET U EVEN HAVE CHANCE TO SLAP.

Posted on: Thursday, January 21, 2010
Posted at: 5:26 AM

Posted on: Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Posted at: 4:42 AM
hilo everyone!!Today is a happy day again.Many things happen too happy for me:)ok.First thing to say,today morning assembly gather at the parade square.My hair never get caught for 2days.i'm so delighted.Thn lesson start do all kind of crazy stuff.thn recess came to save me.i went to find shaun which is my teammate.I went to ask him for balloon.And i got myself a crown.I brought this into my class.thn recess over is time for HOMECON.HOMECON is damn fun today.i made my own cupcakes.I LOVE CUPCAKES TOO.Suddenly,i thinking of making a cupcake for ****** to eat.Just as i was thinking.Angela think the same way man.I took two cupcakes,one for me and the other for ******.I hope the cupcakes would be nice.Thn lesson ended.NOW,SEL.stupid sel teacher,say her name is 可爱.Suck my dick talk talk.i now playin with the balloon which had play halfway.the ballon BOMB..ANd  iwas like shock.u can ask chicken and benjamin how i react..After bombing the hand now are itchy.i decided to try the cupcakes that i made by me and my partner.To my surprise,it tasteDELICIOUS.SCRUMPTIOUS.YUMMYYY.really nice.i gave it to 小ben and chicken to try.They also say very cupcakes is successful.After lesson end,i ran to ****** and gave the cupcakes.SHE ate it and she say is very nice too:))))))But its too hard.'thn i ask her cupcakes is soft one meh?haha.thn this cupcake had made my day.And i name it has"爱心CUPCAKES".meet up with hairy monster and off we go to have lunch.THn go training.WALAN.REACH th badminton court.All happy times turn out to be a disaster.FUCK the OSTRICH COACH.FUCK HER CAN HAVE ANYMORE BABY.FUCK HER PUSSY KENA EAT BY THE CAT..kena scolded by her.say tell the coach i nvr serious.thn i say'tel tell lor.also not problem."ended off with a haha.kpkpkpkp for very long time thn her pms had finish le.haha.thn we go buy drink.this time round another that make me happy again.Which is ***** relationship problems..HE TOLD ME THAT JASIMINE say i very funny in last yer class.follow by wei han say in class he kepp on staring at jasmine.Aiyo.*****.haha.thn we keep on disiao him.Another thing happen again.i met a gay in badminton team which is JOHN SI TUCK MENG.he is gay,he follow wherever i go.he say he would love me for the rest of my life.Vomit..Aft training go home with my junior.Another thing happen again,i wear my pants wrong side.Fuck wonder so many people looking at me.haha.Nothing much to post.COmpetition another 2days.hope u can come and support me...

                                                                          MY JUINIOR AND I,LOOK LIKE COUPLE

Posted on: Monday, January 18, 2010
Posted at: 3:43 AM
I WAnt to post this song lyrices with some highlighted part is important to me.:)
                                      THE SONG IS U MAKE ME WANNA:)

 You know you make me wanna.
  You know you make me wanna.
       To start it off I know you know me
                      To come to think of it, it was only last week.
      That I had a dream about us, oh.
                      That's why I am here, I'm writing this song.
                                        To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along
                      Someway let me know, you want me girl.
                   Everytime you see me what do you see?
                              I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.
                               Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.
                                         You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.

You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

Well I know that these feelings won't end no, no.
They'll just get stronger if I see you again.
Baby I'm tired of being friends.
I wanna know if you feel the same

And could you tell me do you feel my pain?
Don;t leave me in doubt.

Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.
Oh baby, you�re the only thing that I really need.
And baby that's why

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

I'll take you home real quick
And sit you down on the couch
Pour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.
Baby we can make sweet love.
Then we'll take it nice and slow.
I'm gonna touch you like you've never know before
We're gonna make love all night.

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night. .
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

Posted on:
Posted at: 3:12 AM got alot of thing to share with your.Firstly,today our first english test quiz.i manage to do all the question.Only some dunno.THn,after school go for lunch with zhen kai and friends.Zhen kai keep on using his special line"笑什么笑?好笑啊?Act Cute."Fucker sio.Keep on using this line to attack ppl.Follow by,we proceed to the lee cho guan stadium to see the b'div girls match.Its quite exciting.MY heart palpitated instantly.when they score on shot,my heart went jumping around and meet my other organ and say"YEAH,They Score.They score.!"Haha.
I saw v*r*i*.She and her teammates also come out and support their cool.I wish badminton have this kind of spirit lo.But it will nvr happen in my life.THn watch halfway,******call me to come.My mind is thinking"is she calling me or wat?"i hesitate for abt 3seconds.She REALLY calling me.i instantly ran towards her and ask her wat u want?she told i haven eat can help me buy sandwich,ended off with a thank you.Without any hesitation,i dashed off.WHooo...
BUy come back already give her and chicken and one jun.I Feel so happy.Happy...
The match is going to end already.Its now 4th quarter.Anglican high is leading.:):)
at that moment,i was going to call my mum.Kun seng was seating beside me.I saw his face and ask where is my PHONE?i search awhile thn i forgot that i holding on with my phone cause i now calling my mum.So GONG RIGHT???toot sia.Anw,today is a happy day.I shall not post sad stuff.:)

Posted on: Sunday, January 17, 2010
Posted at: 5:38 AM

So sad of you.This picture is taken at the same time.I look sad now,cause i cant see the future.My future is hopeless.but,i'm always laughing.haha:)
Nothing much to post le.

Posted on:
Posted at: 5:33 AM

Wah.Jianjian can see the future now.Oh ya.I buy a new pair of spec.Now i have a collection of white,black and brown.Which one suits me the best?please leave your answer in the tagboard.
Haha,i can see the future from now.I can see that my future is hopeless.There no hope if i keep on spent my life like these.I must think of a way to change.But...nvm.
Today i just watch a show.Its is Its a cartoon show but behind its story.Its show us that Unite Is Power means"团结就是力量"haha.
The story show us that those turtles unite together to fight against their enemy.In order for them to win is UNITE.Therefore,today i want to emphasie(dunno hom to spell) is unite.With unite,we can pass through lots of obstacle and during the process,we will enjoy it...:):)

Posted on: Saturday, January 16, 2010
Posted at: 10:26 PM
Sorry.I wont do that agian.i had learnt my lesson.Really sorry.I hope you will forgive me if i keep on pester you. I wont disturb you when you're busy.:(
Today is a new day with a no hope.Training is like a shit.Nothing went well today.
Training do phyiscal until very tired.Competition is already around the corner still want to train.Train simi LAn???FUCk la.I ahte coach nowadays.They so fuckup.Thn after training went to eat.Meet another guai lan kia.Chicken rice stall uncle.I ask him give me a plate oof roasted chicken rice.Thn he gave me white chicken.I say u gib me wrong,he told me"ah boy,small dun tell lies.You should admit what you done."retorted the uncle.I told him"你真的很GUAI LAN。你是耳朵聋啊?还是老了了?"WHat a fucker is it.
After eating.reach home.sleep awhile.5 mins nia.Woke up.Do bo lan.thn now using com.Saw you scolding me.SAd now.
WHat should i do now?
What pmssin?is it the uterus lining vroken down or wat???
Nothing to post.At night thn post.byebye.

Posted on:
Posted at: 5:02 AM
I now gonna share to qoutes that i make by myself and the other is find in my english test book de.
The first quotes is"Never let go of hope.One day you will see thatit has finally all come together.What you always for has finally come.And you will look back to laugh at what has passed you and you will ask..How did get through all thatThis is to tell you that dun give up halfway.Always persevere till the end.Never admit defeat.And you will see the result by the end of the day.I WILL NEVER GIVE UP.

The second quote is"Cherish all the people around you.You will not have a second chance in your next life.Live it happy.Live it harmony."

Posted on:
Posted at: 4:32 AM

Posted on:
Posted at: 3:51 AM

  haha.i'm back agian.Competion is coming already.I not nervous at all cause i'm too pro.HAHA
What ur doing now,guys?can tell me>..My days is very boring.No one is willing to talk to me.Some talk to me is Zhen kai.(pervert)always talk those horny stuff,i dun like at all.John.he very guai lan.Always call me during the night and say my cock is itchy.Can help me scratch?(another sick guy.Shao tian.He talkk too soft.I cant hear him.The sound like ant sound.Wei han(hairy monster)He is the best can talk to me but...i call him he always hang up,follow up by a msg"WHAT UP"sian.Still got last one.THE PERSON.She always busy.i aso duno busy wat.but she willin to sms one msg per day is already the best le.:)thank you so much.:))
Therefore,no one can talk to me.So i always talk to myself.And laugh.That why i'm always lauhging.
So boring.Actually,i laugh is because i dun want to be bored.Laugh can made me day happier.:)
YOU also must laugh more when u're down or wat.It really can help you.Trust me.:)
NOw.come to into relationship problem.I will talk a little bit.
CAn anybody tell me how to show my guan xin for the most important person in my life?
                            leave your answer in the tagboard.
Nothing much to post le...I think i shall end it here:)

Posted on: Friday, January 15, 2010
Posted at: 7:15 AM
Wa.Sian.Sibei sian.kanena sian sio.JUst coame back from the lan jiao tuition.They teach like my school de lor.Like shit.None of them is suitable for me.They suck to the core.Anybody got go out please call me too.:) guys too.haha.

Posted on:
Posted at: 12:36 AM
Sian,Just came back from school.School so boring.Everyday see the same faces sia.
Not you la.i mean teachers.Homework like lp.Teacher like lj.Principal like lplj sio.
Today english lesson write journal.I wrotes as"journey"I wrote about our moniteress(duno how to spell).Her name is "NAN XIN"but i calll her "nai xin".She has a transparent eyebrown which can't be seen during the morning but it can be seen in the night.Cool Right?sry to insult you.
Competition coming already.THis friday is our first match vsing bedok south.We gona be champion again.We can evn eat porridge and play the game.Haha,i very arrogance right?
Bored to death.WAit a second..i just remember the word MARTYRDOM.THis word suit you the best.You know why?dun tell you.Go find out yourself.haha.
I have nothing much to post le.Please come and tag before you leave.
And i'm the class math rep leh:)(

Posted on: Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Posted at: 2:49 AM
Don't i look gay?haha.i'm back to my blog.From now on i wont start to post any stupid stuff le.Its 2010,its a new year,a new hope.But something you gonna bear with me cause i will post stupid stuff.hias,sian.Sec2 life is real bored and full of homeworks for me to do.i wish i have someone behind me to suport me.My parents??Nah.Fat hope on them.THey outside look supportive but inside i will never know.Take an exmaple:i went to training,thn didnt train so well got scolded and kena slapped by my father in the car.GOT BLOOD YOU KNOW!!!AND IS REAL BLOOD.After that,he say he very guilty.but in my heart he is just nothing to me.Life is full of sorrows.Nevermind,i still have ****** in my world.She is the best supporter althought she is fierce.haha.If i say you are a weight-lifter.-_-.I going to rest now.
Byebye.Sweets dreams dude.:)